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Start Mining Currencies with India's First Mining Pool

Have you started the journey towards mining crypto currency(Digital Currency Like Bitcoin , LiteCoin , Ether , Monero and Many More) , if not you are still not too late for the party? Start mining now, otherwise you will be left behind.

They are two ways of earning Crypto Currency

  1. Buy with the Real Cash (Actually any IT Professional should avoid since he can mine)
  2. Start Mining and Earn Coins (Here we will help you)

Synonymous to Gold Mining  - Coin/Crypto Currency mining is just same as gold mining either you can buy gold or start mining where there is a possibility to find the gold. You can mine currency with us which is more than worthy of the Gold.

Click on the Below Icons to Start Monero Mining  , with 0% pool fee.*

Start Now

Coming Soon

Coming Soon


Why Mine with Techaroha Monero Mining Pool

  1. Minimum Wallet Withdrawal Can be Configured to as low as 0.3
  2. 0% Pool Fee* up to 5 Transaction or 10XMR
  3. Maximum Withdrawal Limit
  4. Skype Support
  5. Help you setup your mining software in your system via TeamViewer or Skype Session.
  6. Group/Forum Support
  7. Live Chat Support
  8. Server Located in India, soon opening in Other Asia Region and the US
  9. Phone Support - available only after withdrawal
  10. After the threshold is reached the mining will be still low compared to competitors i.e. 0.5%
  11. India's first Monero mining pool


How to Start Mining

Monero or any other  coin like ether can be mined via two ways ,

  1. Go for Solo Mining (Starter should not try this)
  2. Join a Monero Mining Pool. Click Here (For every one starter to experienced)


  1. Monero Solo Mining
    1. Solo mining mean you will have your own hardware and will setup mining daemon for monero or ether or bitcoin and you will start mining. With the advancement of time the difficulty level of popular coins have increase exponentially. You will required huge space , high CPU/GPU.
    2. You required high Technical/Administrative skill to setup mining daemon for you
    3. It will have  required huge invested for you hardware.
    4. You have have to wait for years to see some balance in your account.

  2. Mine Monero using Mining Pool
    1. Its the best way to start Monero mining
    2. No investment not much of administrative task
    3. Coin starts appearing in your account in few days depending upon your hardware configuration , more graphics card means more money.
    4. You can en-cash the same into your account instantly.


0% Pooling Fee for first 10 Transaction max upto 10 XMR.